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What Eye Care Routines Help You Manage Thyroid Eye Disease? 👁️🧴

A TEDhealthteam Member asked a question 💭
San Francisco, CA

Share specific products, treatments, or daily habits that make a difference in your eye health.

Comment below with your eye care routines and let’s support each other! 💬

August 16
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A TEDhealthteam Member

Diana, have you discussed orbital decompressions? i had it done when I was 34 years old. i understand they don't do it the same way they did in 1984. That is a good thing. But look into that. it helped me a lot. I am 73 now and thexdryness and watery eyes with grit and blurriness is what bothers me now. I am receiving Tepezza now. everything I have done has helped me over time. it might be worth the discussion. Good luck.

August 17
A TEDhealthteam Member

Rich, have you tried lifting your bed up at the top of the bed? It helps drain the fluid through gravity. an endocrinologist suggested that to me years ago. It didn't work comfortably but I did try it and it helped a little. Good luck.

September 4
A TEDhealthteam Member

I really don't have anything solid but I do try to sleep on my back I will splash a few drops before bed it seems to work for me for comfort ..I have had where I have waken up many nights to those gritty eyes omg it doesn't go right away and it is hard to go back to sleep after that ...I do have another condition that seems to plays apart I have tongue thrust while I sleep with them both going at the same time is it has really took a toll on me in many ways ...

August 26
A TEDhealthteam Member

yes, my ophthalmologist suggested the same thing; warm compresses and wash my eyelids when i take a shower. it does help but you are right for a short time only. the drops do help. sorry you cannot take tepezza. I am hoping it works for me.

August 16
A TEDhealthteam Member

No, I’ve not yet found anything that helps. It was recommended to use lid scrubs, eye drops and heat for relief. Relief is temporary at best. I cannot take tepezza or other biologics and can only take small amounts of prednisone due to other health conditions. I look like I’ve been beaten up and do not go in public because I’m too embarrassed to be seen.
This is hell

August 16

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