Anyone Have Experience With Tepezza?
Did you have any side effects? Are you happy you decided to opt for tepezza? Thank you for your response! @A TEDhealthteam Member
Hey @A TEDhealthteam Member! This is a great question. This is a new community so unsure how many people yet have experience with Tepezza. But in the meantime, here's a great article that does a great job of explaining this treatment. Are you interested in this treatment? Is this something your doctor is suggesting?
Hi Mary,
Were you happy with the results? I just started my infusions. I will have my 2nd dose two weeks from now
What Are Your Experiences Re: Side Effects From The Tepezza Infusions?
I Had Orbital Decompression Surgery For TED 4 Weeks Ago. My Right Eye Is Not Straight Yet And I Am Experiencing Double Vision.
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