Would I Need Eye Surger
Whether eye surgery is needed for TED depends on the severity of your symptoms and how your condition progresses. Surgery is often considered when vision is at risk, or when issues like bulging eyes (proptosis), double vision, or eyelid retraction significantly impact daily life. There are different types of surgeries—such as orbital decompression, eye muscle surgery, or eyelid correction—but they’re usually done after active inflammation settles.
It’s best to discuss this with your specialist, as they can evaluate your specific situation and recommend next steps. Have they talked about surgery yet, or are you exploring options? You're doing great by staying informed—this is a big step forward! 💙
I Have Double Vision. Not A Normal Side By Side Double But Right Eye Sees Down And Left Sees Higher. Would Decompression Eye Surgery Help?
I Had Strabismus Surgery On My Left Eye. I’m Still Feeling Inflammation With Tight Muscles. I Feel Off My Equilibrium. What To Do?
I Had 9 Eye Surgeriet. I Had Bulgy Eyes One Up And One Down. That Was 8 Yrs Ago. Is My TED Coming Back ?