When Are The Studys For People That Have Had It Long Term Going To Start I've Been Waiting For Almost A Year Now For The Trials For That
I went to a study in San Diego for it but I ended up not qualifying because of how long I had it before the study and they were not ready to help people that have had it for more than a year I think it was and so I've been waiting for it to be my turn I can't close my right eye and I can still see when I squeeze my eyes shut as tight as I can it don't close and my vision is starting to go out bad.
Thank you for sharing your experience, and we truly understand how challenging and frustrating it must be to wait for a clinical trial that addresses long-term cases like yours. We’ll definitely keep you in mind and make sure to update you as soon as we hear about any studies that focus on long-term thyroid eye disease cases. Your determination through all of this is remarkable, and we’re rooting for you to find the support and treatment you need. Please hang in there, and we’re here for you! 💛
What Are Your Experiences Re: Side Effects From The Tepezza Infusions?
I Had Strabismus Surgery On My Left Eye. I’m Still Feeling Inflammation With Tight Muscles. I Feel Off My Equilibrium. What To Do?
I Was Diagnosed With Hyperthyroidism & Grave's In 1992. Eyelid Lowering Surgery In'93. Never Told It Was An Autoimmune Issue, Or Treated.